<< Garage construction ガレージ工事 PART 6 2023-10-15 | Making small tables 小さいテーブル作成 >> 2023-12-22 |
It's my first Halloween here since moving to Aso in the spring, so I decided to go a bit nuts with the halloween decorations and host a proper party in the house! Strangely, it's a house well suited to looking a bit weird......
▲ まずはPUMPKIN飾りですね。もちろん3Dプリンターで作りました。今回、早くプリントできるために「花瓶モード」を初めて使いました。このぐらいの大きさでプリントすると約24時間以上かかりますが、「花瓶モード」を使うと約2時間かかります。その代わりに、とても弱くなります。まぁ、いいか ー 飾りだけですね。
I started gathering cheap decorations well in advance, and even splashed out on a roll of orange PLA filament, to print all these pumpkins. This was my first time using "vase mode" on my 3D printers, which is a mode that only prints one single layer around the perimeter of a shape. The disadvantage is that this makes objects super flimsy and prone to breaking (and misprints), but it cuts the print time from over 24 hours for a normal print of this size, to just about 2 hours. So in the 3 days prior to the party, I was able to print all these pumpkins, which looked great dotted around the house.
The rest of the decorations were done on almost zero-budget, from the 100-yen store for balloons etc, and many sheets of coloured paper for creepy blood drops and paper chains.
▲ 庭に偽物墓を余っていたサイディングから作りました。名前が全部Englishジョークでしたね。このゾンビ―手もプリンターで作りました。
I cut and painted 5 of these fake gravestones from leftover boards, and had some fun with dumb puns for the names. I also printed this zombie hand to decorate one of the undead graves!
▲ 結構リアルでしょう?
Looks pretty real, right? Not bad for an hour of messy painting!
▲ 玄関ドアにこのパンプキンもありました。パンプキンは3Dプリントで、後は手作りでした。
I also printed this little pumpkin face, and hung it in the middle of this stick wreath. I made the wreath with sticks I picked up while out walking Katie in the morning. Worked well with some black spray paint and some LEDs!
▲ パーティーの夜、暗くなったらこんな雰囲気ができました!あっちこっちにちょっと気持ち悪い飾りがあって、飛んでいるお化けも作りました。
Party time! It got dark about 6pm, and I had a few minutes free before people turned up, to take some atmospheric pics! I removed half of the bulbs outside, to make it darker and creepier.
▲ 新しいガレージの中にも可愛いMonsterCarも飾っていた!
I couldn't help showing off the new garage and the lights, so I turned the car into a cute little monster too!
▲ ほら ー お墓が気持ち悪いでしょう?
Here are those 5 gravestones, looking suitably creepy at night.
▲ 飛んでいるお化けが写真の左側にあります。そして、玄関の外側もクモの巣がいっぱい付けました!
If you look at the left side of this photo, you can see the small ghost I rigged up on fishing wire between two trees - thanks to a repurposed printer motor tied to a tree, it slowly floated across and above the deck outside, before disappearing from view. Funny!
The other decoration I added in the afternoon was many, many spider webs! The front door area looks good draped in giant webs, right?
▲ 玄関に入るとハロウィーンっぽい飾りありました。写真撮影にはいいかも?
This was the view once you step through the front door, with a flight of bats flapping around this little Halloween scene. It made a nice spot for some spooky costume photos, although Katie wouldn't cooperate for a pic. I gave her a glowing collar anyway, so people could at least see her properly!
▲ じゃ、ここからクモの巣が始まりますよ。。。
Stepping up from the genkan area, the spider webs start again....
▲ カラー電球2個だけにしましたので、変わった感じのパーティーになりました。
I removed all the lights except two colour bulbs, which were just about enough to see and eat by, and gave the whole room an awesome weird vibe!
▲ なかなかいいでしょう?
Check out that funky ceiling - plenty of webs, paper chains, and other bits and pieces!
I also took a quick video too, but my phone had problems getting good footage in the dark conditions - apologies for that!
<< Garage construction ガレージ工事 PART 6 2023-10-15 | Making small tables 小さいテーブル作成 >> 2023-12-22 |
〒869-2226 熊本県阿蘇市乙姫2070-48
Aso City, Otohime 2070-48
Open from 13:00~17:00*
Closed on Sundays & Mondays
(* if the door's closed, we might have popped out to walk the dog... back soon!)
Making garage doors ガレージの扉DIY作成
New side-project... a hobbit house! ホビットの家
Shops added to the shop ショップにお店
Repainting a (mini) car ミニカーのリペイント
Buying land in Otohime 乙姫で土地探し
Scale model of the Inaba Residence 稲葉家下屋敷の模型
Customer request - Pokemon Ball! ポケモンボール