<< Painting the house! 家を自分でペイントした!
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3D Printer Box 3Dプリンター棚

2021-09-22 by David





This year's rain never bloody stopped! I arrived in Aso for the summer in August, and it started raining the very next day. It didn't stop for even 30 minutes... for the next 3 WEEKS! So I gave up on my plans to do some major gardening, and instead concentrated on the ground floor hall.


I've decided to perhaps try a little workshop and display/shop space, open to public walk-ins (assuming we ever get tourists back to Aso! Thanks, earthquake + floods + landslides + covid19!). One of the best things about 3D printing is actually watching them work, so I intend to fit 2 printers where people can see them, but first I need to do a little basic DIY...

▲ この棚に置きますが若干小さい過ぎです。後ろの壁が玄関の壁になりますが、プラス10センチほどを大きく切るとフィットします。


This is one of the shelves in the downstairs room, backing on to the genkan (entrance hall). It is almost big enough to house 2 printers, but I needed to extend the back of the cupboard space about 10cm into the dividing wall.

▲ カットした穴を簡単に木材壁を張りました。そして、真ん中に新しいコンセントを作りました。


With the extra space cut, I quickly patched up the holes with spare plywood, and then added a new electrical socket in, too.

▲ 1台目のプリンターがよくフィトしますね!


Test fitting the first printer was quite a relief - it fits!

▲ ただし、ほこりと寒い部屋が苦手なプリンターにはドアが必要です。ネットのほうからカットされたアクリル板を注文して、磁石でつけました。最後に周りにLEDテープライトも張りました。写真は「WHITE」のボタンだけど白ではないと思いますね。ちょっと残念!


However, my work was not done yet. 3D printers are a little susceptible to temperature fluctuations, and that room does get chilly in winter with no heating. So, to keep the heat contained around the printers, and to keep out dust, I fitted this sheet of 3mm acrylic over the front, and secured it in place with magnets.

To finish it off, I bought a cheap strip of LED tape lights, and stuck those around the sides to give it some task lighting and a bit of pop!

▲ その代わりに色のローテーション設定のほうが楽しいでしょう! PINK....


The LED lights have a few fun settings, and my favourite is definitely the rotating rainbow of colours.... from pink to....

▲ .... BLUE....

▲ .... GREEN!

Cheap & fun = best!


Tags: studio  アトリエ 


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<< Painting the house! 家を自分でペイントした!
New ceiling 天井のリフォーム >>

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〒869-2226 熊本県阿蘇市乙姫2070-48
Aso City, Otohime 2070-48
Open from 13:00~17:00*
Closed on Sundays & Mondays
(* if the door's closed, we might have popped out to walk the dog... back soon!)