<< Designing a chandelier シャンデリアのデザイン
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Shoebox 下駄箱作成

2021-07-01 by David



In an effort to make the downstairs hall look a little nicer, I've decided to add a shoe box. Every Japanese home has these in the genkan, and it helps hide all those grotty shoes, but sticking a large cupboard unit in the genkan (entrance) of this house would look terrible, should I ever decided to turn it into a workshop open-to-the-public shop!


▲ 棚に靴をそのまま置いたら嫌ですので、扉を作ります。他の収納はスライド式になっていますが、できるだけ同じように作りたいです。




So I've decided to utilise one of the empty shelf spaces in the storage wall adjoining the genkan, but need to build a cheap and cheerful hinged door to hide the shoe shelf. I started by raiding my pile of junk wood, to find some pieces suitable for a simple door frame.



Once these had been cut and glued together, they were also screwed tightly together too.






The last stage was to grab some leftover flooring pieces (from the upstairs bedroom), and nail/glue those into place. 


▲ 右側は靴箱になります。左側はBBQ用のミニ冷蔵庫。サイズはぴったりですね。


For couple of dollars (for the hinges), and the rest being repurposed wood, this was a cheap and simple project. The door (on the right) matches the other sliding doors closely enough, and the minifridge (for BBQs) fits neatly on the left. Easy!


Tags: genkan  玄関 


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<< Designing a chandelier シャンデリアのデザイン
Painting the house! 家を自分でペイントした! >>

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