<< Making a deck 人工木材デッキ #1
Finishing the deck 人工木材デッキ #2 >>

Sign-making 看板作り

2021-04-06 by David



There's a lamppost out by the street, from the days when this used to be a dyeing workshop and painting studio. It also has a crossbar for hanging a large sign, so I want to hang a sign there to show the new purpose of the building!

▲ まずはロゴのほうから始めます。まだ目的が決まっていないんですので、あとからそれをロゴに入れます。最初には名前だけを決めます。「Mill」は英語で「Windmill」(風車)や「Watermill」(水車)で使われていますが、最近3Dプリンター業者にも利用できます。ということは3Dプリント工房という意味になります。そして、ロゴの「ASO」の文字をよく見ると「A 3D」にもなりますので、「A 3D Mill」(3Dアトリエです)という意味も入っています。ロゴの周りに昔のローテクの歯車とハイテクの回路基板も混ざっています。最後に「阿蘇観る」という意味も見えますね。(あと、苗字のニックネームも入っていますが、だれも分からないよね!)


I need to start with a logo first, and this is the design I came up with. The text includes the word MILL, which is currently in use for places where 3D printers are working, in the word "print mill". Since that's one of my hobbies (and side businesses), I wanted to include that, and if you look closely at the word "ASO" you can also see the letters for "A 3D ... Mill", which describes the building neatly. Plus it includes my nickname from when I was at school, but of course nobody knows that! Finally, it's also a play on words in Japanese  - "miru" means "see", so the sign also reads as "See Aso" in Japanese. Yes, cheesy pun, I know!


The cogs and circuitboard parts are to show the blending of low-tech and hi-tech elements in the building.


▲ DIY店からプラダン4枚重ねって木材柄のシートをなりました。強化するために周りにアルミのフレームを付けました。


I used 4 sheets of lightweight "plastic cardboard" stuck together, and covered by wood-effect cutting sheet. I added an aluminium frame to give it strength and neaten it up.




▲ 職業も看板作成の時もありますので、カッティングマシンはすでに持っております。ロゴのデザインをその機会でカットして、両面に張りました。


I occasionally make signboards as part of my job anyway, so I happen to have a small cutting machine. It did a pretty good job of cutting out all the parts of the logo onto black cutting sheet.

▲ 最後にこのブログのURLを指すQRコードも張りました。


To finish it off, I added a QR code to point curious passers-by to this blog (and eventually a website for whatever business I chose to run here).

▲ 看板柱に付けるとこんな感じです!これで満足です!




Looks pretty good hanging outside the house, with a new light above it and some waterproof string lights!


Right, I'd better get back and finish the deck properly...


Tags: studio  アトリエ 


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<< Making a deck 人工木材デッキ #1
Finishing the deck 人工木材デッキ #2 >>

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〒869-2226 熊本県阿蘇市乙姫2070-48
Aso City, Otohime 2070-48
Open from 13:00~17:00*
Closed on Sundays & Mondays
(* if the door's closed, we might have popped out to walk the dog... back soon!)