<< DIY Bathroom #2 DIYでバスルーム LIGHTS
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DIY Bathroom #3 DIYでバスルーム BATH

2021-02-24 by David



We're closing in on completing the bathroom now - just a few more jobs to take care of...

▲ お風呂の蛇口は壁に付けます。ただし、日本メーカーの面白くない蛇口は使いません!それはちょっと持ったないですので、今回アマゾンジャパンから買った「waterfall tap」を使います!メーカーは中国のJiaYouJiaですが11,500円の価格がすごいです!


Standard bath taps in Japan suck. They are functional, perhaps, but also very, very ugly. They are also overpriced, with a basic double mixer bathtap costing around $250. I wanted something a little more interesting, and was happy to find this beautiful waterfall tap (from China) on, of all places, Amazon Japan! Even better, it only cost $115, which I think was a real bargain!

▲ ドレインはプッシュボタン式のONECE(1,599円)もアマゾンから注文しました。DIY店で買える塩ビパイプとつなぐことができます。


My new bathtub has a central drain hole in the floor, but I needed to buy my own drain for it. I found this one in bright chrome, to match the taps, for only $16 from Amazon Japan.




Similarly, I found this overflow drain for the side of the bathtub for $30 from Amazon.



▲ 私はお風呂よりもシャワーのほうが好きですので、海外のEbay.comからユニークなシャワーを注文しました。「Rainfall shower」を検索したら、結構出ます。色々なタイプありますが、買ったシャワーが12インチ(30cm)の約14,000円でした。


Personally, I prefer showers to baths, so I was happy spending a little more on a kickass shower head. As for choosing bath fittings, Japanese ones from makers like TOTO and INAX are functional but ugly, and vastly overpriced. This kind of rainfall shower fitting is unheard of here in Japan, so I bought this 12" set from Ebay for about $140 (shipping included).


▲ 壁の中のパイプ接続が本当に嫌ですね。古いシャワーにはもちろん鉄の管が利用されましたが、最近曲がれるプラスチックパイプもDIY店から購入できる時代に変わりました。価格がちょっと上がりますが、使い方がとても簡単ですね。ということは古い鉄のパイプを曲がるパイプに接続できました。




The pipe connections were, I'll admit, a pain in the butt. The old pipe connections were, of course, metal, and that made it far too difficult to make the complicated pipe runs inside the walls. I was happy to find that technology has moved on a little since the 1980s, and I managed to connected the previous metal pipes to insulated plastic flexi pipes without much trouble. Of course it does cost a little more to get the pipe connectors for flexipipes, but it's a fair trade off, I think, in terms of ease-of-fitting!


The photo shows the first test of the new shower, after the pipes have been connected. Finally!!!!

▲ そして、壁に防水用のシートを張りました。ユニットバスにはバス専用の180cm x 90cmほど「バスパネル」が使われていますが、値段は何と1枚1万円です!それもちょっと予算オーバーですので、プラスチック段ボールの材料「プラダン」を使います。防水性が同じですので、1枚約500円だけですので結構節約できます。プラダン板の間にシリコンコーキングを入れました。


白い壁だけならちょっと普通っぽいて感じですので、木材のアクセントも使います。シャワーの壁には幅60センチの木材壁を張ります。DIY店で安い18mm厚みのパイン (1x4s) を買って、防水ステインを塗りました。強い両面テープで張って、やっとシャワースペースが完成となりました。




It was time to start fitting the walls! The standard approach for modern Japanese bathrooms is to buy a "unit-bath", which includes all walls, floors, ceilings, bathtubs and fittings. You can buy the wall panels separately, if you look online, but as many things considered too complicated for the average user here, they are expensive. So rather than spend $100 for each 180x90cm panel, I looked around for alternative materials and found corrugated plastic sheets for only $5. These are usually used for a plastic version of cardboard boxes, but since they are still 100% plastic they will be waterproof. I sealed the gaps and corner joins with silicon caulking.


Now that I had some lovely white walls, I wanted to brighten things up with some more colour, so I decided to create a wooden shower "wall". I bought lots of cheap pine 1x4s from my local DIY store, and cut them to 60cm lengths and painted them with waterproof woodstain. Then it was a simple process of sticking each one on with strong (waterproof) double sided tape, and sealing the ends to the wall with silicon caulking.


I continued the wooden strips up on to the ceiling, to create a visual "roof" to the shower unit. This same curved shape will be mirrored on the far wall, around the bathtub.

▲ では、バスタブの作業に戻ります。まずは木材フレームを作って5センチを上に上がりました。その5センチの間には蛇口用のパイプを通しました。古い鉄管がバスタブの右側に見えますが、コンクリートの中に囲まれていますので、移動できなかったです。そのためにできるだけ隠すようにしました。


Over on the bathtub wall, I made a wooden frame to lift the bathtub up slightly. The old waterpipes are encased in concrete at one end of the bath, and I couldn't move them. So instead, I created just enough room to hide the pipe tops under the new false bathtub surround, and connected them using more plastic flexipipes. These were then threaded under the corner of the bathtub, and up into the false wall at the back, where they'd connect to the new taps.

▲ バスタブの周りにコンパネ板を載せて、パイン板張りの作業が始まりました。


I encased the bath frame in painted plywood, and then started on the process of gluing more planks of waterproofed wood on top.




▲ こっち側にも防水性が必要ですので、板の間に透明のシリコンコーキングがキレイに塗っています。新しい蛇口を接続するとテストできました。成功だ!


The gaps between planks were carefully filled with clear silicon caulking, to make this area as waterproof as possible. The planks were roughly curved up the wall, and finally I was able to fit the new bath taps in place and test it!


▲ 古いバスルームの床もタイルでした。ですが全体のリフォームですので、床も作り直します。このタイルはDIY店ハンズマンから買いました。ドレインの周りに切るのがちょっと大変だったけどやっと終わりました。


One last job was to lay a new tile floor. The previous floor was small white tiles, but some were chipped and cracked from the earthquake, so I bought these dark grey tiles from Handsman DIY store for about $200, and stuck them straight on top, so the water will run down into the corner drainhole.

▲ もうそろそろ完成となりますが、プレビューを見せましょうか?隣の洗面台から見ろとこんな感じです!


The bathroom is almost complete, so here's a sneak peek taken from the adjoining washroom area. Completed photos coming next....


Tags: bathroom  バスルーム 


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